MBuy Celebrates 10 Years of Empowering Brands & Agencies

Mike Parent

10 years ago, MBuy was founded with the goal of helping advertisers by providing a better way to buy and execute traditional media. That goal quickly expanded to include digital media, and, for a short time, MBuy even had its own DSP. Since then, we’ve continuously adapted and evolved as we’ve vetted new technologies and ways to best serve our partners.

This year, MBuy celebrates its 10th anniversary. Originally, we had various ideas planned to celebrate and show our appreciation – but then the world changed. We had to quickly adapt. Luckily, this isn’t new for us. We’ve always been agile, constantly adapting to what’s changing in the world, adjusting plans on the fly and--at times--scrapping them all together. That’s what makes MBuy who we are.

MBuy’s plans are always shaped and put into motion by our partners, and for that, I can’t express my full gratitude. MBuy exists purely to help each of our partners, and in turn they help us. With that being said, our partners don’t just make MBuy better – they make MBuy. They challenge us to stay ahead of each and every trend, become experts in all media, and give us the opportunity to solve various business challenges. And, although our goals may change, our mission to provide our clients with the tools they require in order to be most successful never will.

I’m equally grateful for being able to work with the MBuy employees, who embrace learning, and tackling new challenges, and are always trying to discover new ways we can improve the way we work with our partners and help their businesses. What I love so much about MBuy is that we specialize in being agile and moving on the fly, either within a campaign or as a company. We always look forward to what’s next and what’s changing--and make sure we are at the forefront of it.

Right now, we understand the fluidity of all plans – and we’re here to help you with each challenge you face as marketers, and as individuals. MBuy was created during a recession. We will weather this storm and continue to focus on our mission, as we work together to navigate these difficult and uncertain times.

So thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU for enabling these 10 fantastic years!


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