June 5th Weekly News Summary: We Keep Up With The News So You Don't Have To

Kelsey Headley

As we all continue to learn what our “new normal” is and get accustomed to it, there are hundreds of news articles coming out each week and it’s hard to keep up. To help simplify things, we’ll be featuring some of the top news stories every week relating to our industry, and summarizing them for you. We hope this will help you to keep up with the news and how it relates to you.

3 ways cross-channel marketing can do better in the next decade

Marketers know the true meaning of the old expression; the grass is always greener on the other side. Those with strong brick-and-mortar sales long for website customers and those with powerful digital platforms wish for more foot traffic. Factor in a global pandemic and marketers have a lot to contend with.

Read more from Adweek here: https://www.adweek.com/sponsored/3-ways-cross-channel-marketing-can-do-better-in-the-next-decade/?mvt=o&mvn=5626581234bb47c2a585063d0e247177&mvp=NA-ADWEEKRESPSITE-11238673&mvl=homepage-grid-placement-large

Why branded experiences get you better results

"The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there."– L. P. Hartley

This quote could very easily apply to branded experiences of the past: a nice-looking booth at a trade event, a yearly day out at the races for your existing customers, a newsletter. These did have value in their time but they are from the past and we have now moved on. Good branded experiences today are live events, virtual and augmented reality exhibitions, and social media envelops them.

Read more about from The Drum here: https://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2020/05/27/why-branded-experiences-get-you-better-results

IAB: Digital ad spending rises 16% , but CPMs fall 16%

First-quarter 2020 showed (year-on-year) YoY advertising growth despite the impact of COVID-19 beginning in March -- but the pandemic did create significant pricing pressure on CPMs, with digital falling 16%.

Learn more from MediaPost here: https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/351941/google-microsoft-hit-most-in-impersonation-attack.html

What changes (and accelerates) in ad tech during a recession

There is a new urgency to lower costs and increase transparency in ad tech, and what might have happened in three years, may happen instead in three to six months.

Keep reading from DigiDay here: https://digiday.com/media/what-changes-and-accelerates-in-ad-tech-during-a-recession/


June 12th Weekly News Summary: We Keep Up With The News So You Don't Have To


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